Depending on what the researcher is trying to determine in the soil, the temperature of the device can be set to the corresponding temperature. Initially, the researcher will take the mass of the sample prior to LOI and then place the sample into a heating device.

To determine how much one of these soil components make up the entire soil mass, the LOI procedure is implemented. Soil is composed of living organisms, water, carbonates, carbon containing material, decomposing matter and much more. ASTM tests are defined for limestone and lime and cement among others. The loss on ignition of the product indicates the extent to which the pyroprocessing was incomplete. Similarly, for minerals, the loss on ignition represents the actual material lost during smelting or refining in a furnace or smelter.

In pyroprocessing industries such as lime, calcined bauxite, refractories or cement manufacture, the loss on ignition of the raw material is roughly equivalent to the loss in mass that it will undergo in a kiln. For example, the loss on ignition of fly ash consists of contaminant unburnt fuel.

It may be used as a quality test, commonly carried out for minerals such as iron ore. The volatile materials lost usually consist of "combined water" ( hydrates and labile hydroxy-compounds) and carbon dioxide from carbonates. The loss on ignition is reported as part of an elemental or oxide analysis of a mineral.