The data displayed above are current as of Patch App 1.15 Regulation 1.35. Silver Knight Shield +5 ( Titanite Slab ×1 & 2040 souls) Silver Knight Shield +4 ( Twinkling Titanite ×8 & 1496 souls) Silver Knight Shield +3 ( Twinkling Titanite ×4 & 1224 souls) Silver Knight Shield +2 ( Twinkling Titanite ×2 & 952 souls) Silver Knight Shield +1 ( Twinkling Titanite ×1 & 680 souls) The only true advantage that the Silver Knight Shield has is that it requires less Strength to wield, making it more ideal on builds that attempt to limit their amount of Strength investment in favor of other stats. Unfortunately, it also loses out in many ways against the Lothric Knight Shield, which on top of being lighter and having higher stability also specializes in defending against Lightning damage. East-West Shield guide with all stats, location, upgrades, lore, and tips for DKS and Dark Souls Remastered. And to round everything out it possesses the Parry skill, allowing players to turn the tables on enemies and inflict ripostes to quickly defeat them. Below is a searchable list of all 3339 Dark Souls 3 item IDs which can be used with Cheat. East-West Shield is a Shield in Dark Souls. It has good base stability that scales well with upgrades, allowing it to reliably block most attacks with little stamina loss.

It possesses 100% defense against physical damage, and a respectable array of elemental absorption values. Availability Ī well-balanced medium shield, the Silver Knight Shield provides reliable defense in most situations. Repel an attack at the right time to follow up with a critical hit. Though their goddess has long since left, her blessing upon her knights' shields remains.

The Silver Knights stayed behind to protect the humble manor and ruined cathedral.

A flowing canal is chiseled deeply into its face. However, it is eventually outstripped as more and better medium shield options become available.In-Game Description Heavy shield carried by the Silver Knights who served the old royal family.

It has moderate defenses against most common early-game elemental damage as well. Possessing moderate stability and 100% absorption against physical damage, the Knight Shield is a very useful shield for the beginning of the game.